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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

RE-BLOG: My Second Wind in Blogging

As the song goes, "I get by with a little help from my friends."  This was the last line I wrote in 2010 on my first blog post.

It was a good while since September 2013 when PED Xing had its last post that year (“Jason & Crystalina Evert).  I have been wanting to write but deadlines, much work, family matters, health concerns...where is the time to blog?

Today, I decided to re-blog.  More than a return to writing, I consider this as second wind born by an encouragement from Annie, a business coach by profession and a mother and teacher for life.

There are many kinds of professional coaches (team, performance, skills, career, business, life, executive, or even a distance coach).  Yet coaches I realized would really make great impact on their clients not on what they say but on what they are.  If coaches will just tread on the true north of life's principles aside from skills and techniques they impart, they will really help many people.

I am blessed to have known many magnificent people.  There is so much to learn and know about them. There are also great projects now moving and it is just compelling to speak and write about these.  People, enterprises, development issues continue to cross my path...Why should I not re-blog and share these stories?

Thank you Annie for the spark of your encouragement and the inspiration of your friendship and kindness.  Wouldn’t this “RE-BLOG” post be a measurable outcome of your coaching? Indeed, it is just one...and there will be more.

       Rucksack Coach Annie Lulu with her daughter Malia (May 2015 in  Quezon City, Philippines)